I desperately need to write a real update on here, but time is lacking lately.
Basically, I feel like I have an issue with the amount of progesterone my body produces, my OB won't test me until OCTOBER (totally stupid, IMO). So, assuming I am not pregnant this cycle (why would this one be any different than the other 19), I will be looking for a second opinion.
I really, really hate to do that because I love my OB, but I don't feel like he shares my concerns. It's not like I called him today and asked for hard core hormones or Clomid. I asked for blood work and he wouldn't agree to it. Blood work that could mean the difference between a healthy pregnancy and another miscarriage.
But anyway, I swear I will try to update on some other stuff going on this week. There are some great things happening in our life right now, so hang tight. I'll be back.
(And if you don't mind, just say a little prayer for me. This is so emotionally charged and exhausting. It wears on a girl after a while.)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Brenham's Hat Project
On Tuesday I am sending out 4 premie hats and 3 blankets to a dear blogging friend, Katie. Last year on Feb. 29, she lost her son, Brenham and has decided to honor him this year by donating hats, booties and blankets to the hospital he was delivered at.
My mom is awesome and has made all these for me and I can't wait to send them out tomorrow. I hope they touch families of babies who are struggling to survive.
If you want to follow Katie's story, click here.
My mom is awesome and has made all these for me and I can't wait to send them out tomorrow. I hope they touch families of babies who are struggling to survive.
If you want to follow Katie's story, click here.

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day, Buddha
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Here's An Idea
If I tell you something and specifically ask you not to tell someone, then...I don't know...don't tell them.
I really feel like I already covered this thorn in my side here.
It's not a hard concept people. It really isn't.
And people wonder why I keep so much shit to myself.
I really feel like I already covered this thorn in my side here.
It's not a hard concept people. It really isn't.
And people wonder why I keep so much shit to myself.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
The Adventures of Snotty, Snobby and Potty Mouth
As many of you know, I am completing my FINAL SEMESTER of college! WOW. I can not believe it! I have worked for so long and am leaving with so much more than an education and a handful of diploma's.
I am leaving with a stack of hilarity brought to me every day by the 3 and 4 year old's I am dealing with on a daily basis as a part of my Capstone project. I should preface these two short stories with the fact that the first half of my Capstone experience is being completed at a fairly upscale Pre-School filled with children who have parents who are engineers, college professors and doctors. Be fair warned, one of the two stories has some....colorful language.
Let's start with Snotty and Snobby.
Snotty and Snobby are BFF (for those of you who were never middle school girls, that means Best Friends Forever). From the moment they arrive until the moment they leave, these girls are stuck together like glue. BUT, it is very obvious that Snotty wears the pants in this relationship. Like...big time. It's not even a question. She says "Jump." and Snobby says "How high, master?" It's quite comical.
So. Snotty and Snobby are playing like good friends do out on the playground when I hear a shriek come from the corner they are playing in. At the moment I was tending to a child who had slipped on ice and asked me to make sure his butt was still there (don't sweat, it was. It's cracked, but it's still there). I finish up my ordeal with Ice Butt and head over to Snotty and Snobby.
Snobby is bawling her eyes out.
::deep breath::
"What happened?"
Snotty: I don't know. She just started crying!
Yeaaaaaaaaaa. Okay. Probably not. Let's start over.
"Snobby, what happened?"
"She ::gasps for air:: pulled ::sob sob:: my ::gasp GASP:: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaair!"
Jesus on a pogo stick.
"Snotty, did you pull her hair?"
"No way. She's my friend. I wouldn't pull her hair!"
I think "Liar".
Snobby shrieks "LIIIIAAAARRRR!" at a decibel that I am sure has left me with irreversible hearing damage.
I send Snobby inside to wash her face and get ready for lunch and shoot Snotty the Death Glare. I am 110% sure she is lying. I can see it in her face.
Five minutes go by. I stop a 4 year old from throwing chunks of ice the size of small basketballs onto the windshields below and save another kid from the terrifying heights of the sliding board. When all of a sudden there is a tug at the bottom of my jacket.
It's Snotty.
"Mrs. Catie, I have some strings stuck in my gloves, will you help me get them out?"
I look in her glove and I'll be damned if it is not FILLED with long, beautiful blonde curls, similar...no, exactly like the long, beautiful blonde curls that belong to Snobby.
Let's put 2 and 2 together, shall we. Think amongst yourselves.
"Snotty. Did you pull those curls from Snobby's head?"
"Oh, no way! They came from my dog."
"You see, we were playing Mommy and Puppy and she (Snobby) was Puppy and she peed on the rug. So I pulled her by her hair and threw her out back. That's what you do to puppies who pee on the carpet."
Already long story short, I explain to her that we don't pull our friends hair since it's winter time and our friends need their hair to keep their heads warm. What I really wanted to say was "That was kind of a bitchy thing to do, don't ya think?"
So Snobby refuses to sit with Snotty at lunch. She's had it. This abusive relationship has run it's course and she is done.
Then nap time rolls around.
Snobby lays down her mat and settles in for her nap. Snotty comes and lays her mat down right next to Snobby. I can see Snobby thinking "Hold.The.Phone. You pulled out enough of my hair to give Barbie a pretty rockin wig and you think YOU are laying beside ME for nap time? Haha...I don't think so!"
And then, in just about the bitchest tone a four year old can get, Snotty says "If you don't let me lay beside you for nap time, we aren't going to Disney World when we grow up like we have planned on doing. I mean it."
And all is forgiven. We need to send these girls to Washington and show the politicians how to negotiate.
Next, we have sweet, sweet Potty Mouth. PM, for short, actual is a beautiful child. He is well dressed, well mannered and up until about...oh...6 seconds into my visit, I had no idea he had the mouth of a sailor.
He stands over by the play kitchen where there are several play phones and says "Hey, wanna see my 'pression of my momma on tha phone?!"
Sure. Why not?
(Warning: Foul language below)
"I don't give a shit if you don't want to go to the store. These kids are hungry."
::cocks hip, flips imaginary hair and sighs very loudly::
"Go to the fucking store, Hank. I don't care what you buy, but go to the fucking store."
::slams down phone::
"Rat Bastard!"
"And that's my 'pression of my momma. Pretty good, huh?"
"Yea...Yea...that's great...why don't we go work on our coloring?"

^Exact 'pression of my face.
So...if you have kids, watch what you say. Chances are, they will repeat it at Pre-School.
***All names have been changed to protect the innocent. And the not so innocent.***
I am leaving with a stack of hilarity brought to me every day by the 3 and 4 year old's I am dealing with on a daily basis as a part of my Capstone project. I should preface these two short stories with the fact that the first half of my Capstone experience is being completed at a fairly upscale Pre-School filled with children who have parents who are engineers, college professors and doctors. Be fair warned, one of the two stories has some....colorful language.
Let's start with Snotty and Snobby.
Snotty and Snobby are BFF (for those of you who were never middle school girls, that means Best Friends Forever). From the moment they arrive until the moment they leave, these girls are stuck together like glue. BUT, it is very obvious that Snotty wears the pants in this relationship. Like...big time. It's not even a question. She says "Jump." and Snobby says "How high, master?" It's quite comical.
So. Snotty and Snobby are playing like good friends do out on the playground when I hear a shriek come from the corner they are playing in. At the moment I was tending to a child who had slipped on ice and asked me to make sure his butt was still there (don't sweat, it was. It's cracked, but it's still there). I finish up my ordeal with Ice Butt and head over to Snotty and Snobby.
Snobby is bawling her eyes out.
::deep breath::
"What happened?"
Snotty: I don't know. She just started crying!
Yeaaaaaaaaaa. Okay. Probably not. Let's start over.
"Snobby, what happened?"
"She ::gasps for air:: pulled ::sob sob:: my ::gasp GASP:: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaair!"
Jesus on a pogo stick.
"Snotty, did you pull her hair?"
"No way. She's my friend. I wouldn't pull her hair!"
I think "Liar".
Snobby shrieks "LIIIIAAAARRRR!" at a decibel that I am sure has left me with irreversible hearing damage.
I send Snobby inside to wash her face and get ready for lunch and shoot Snotty the Death Glare. I am 110% sure she is lying. I can see it in her face.
Five minutes go by. I stop a 4 year old from throwing chunks of ice the size of small basketballs onto the windshields below and save another kid from the terrifying heights of the sliding board. When all of a sudden there is a tug at the bottom of my jacket.
It's Snotty.
"Mrs. Catie, I have some strings stuck in my gloves, will you help me get them out?"
I look in her glove and I'll be damned if it is not FILLED with long, beautiful blonde curls, similar...no, exactly like the long, beautiful blonde curls that belong to Snobby.
Let's put 2 and 2 together, shall we. Think amongst yourselves.
"Snotty. Did you pull those curls from Snobby's head?"
"Oh, no way! They came from my dog."
"You see, we were playing Mommy and Puppy and she (Snobby) was Puppy and she peed on the rug. So I pulled her by her hair and threw her out back. That's what you do to puppies who pee on the carpet."
Already long story short, I explain to her that we don't pull our friends hair since it's winter time and our friends need their hair to keep their heads warm. What I really wanted to say was "That was kind of a bitchy thing to do, don't ya think?"
So Snobby refuses to sit with Snotty at lunch. She's had it. This abusive relationship has run it's course and she is done.
Then nap time rolls around.
Snobby lays down her mat and settles in for her nap. Snotty comes and lays her mat down right next to Snobby. I can see Snobby thinking "Hold.The.Phone. You pulled out enough of my hair to give Barbie a pretty rockin wig and you think YOU are laying beside ME for nap time? Haha...I don't think so!"
And then, in just about the bitchest tone a four year old can get, Snotty says "If you don't let me lay beside you for nap time, we aren't going to Disney World when we grow up like we have planned on doing. I mean it."
And all is forgiven. We need to send these girls to Washington and show the politicians how to negotiate.
Next, we have sweet, sweet Potty Mouth. PM, for short, actual is a beautiful child. He is well dressed, well mannered and up until about...oh...6 seconds into my visit, I had no idea he had the mouth of a sailor.
He stands over by the play kitchen where there are several play phones and says "Hey, wanna see my 'pression of my momma on tha phone?!"
Sure. Why not?
(Warning: Foul language below)
"I don't give a shit if you don't want to go to the store. These kids are hungry."
::cocks hip, flips imaginary hair and sighs very loudly::
"Go to the fucking store, Hank. I don't care what you buy, but go to the fucking store."
::slams down phone::
"Rat Bastard!"
"And that's my 'pression of my momma. Pretty good, huh?"
"Yea...Yea...that's great...why don't we go work on our coloring?"

^Exact 'pression of my face.
So...if you have kids, watch what you say. Chances are, they will repeat it at Pre-School.
***All names have been changed to protect the innocent. And the not so innocent.***
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I'm famous on the interwebz
The week before the Super Bowl, I was cruising the Wal-Mart for some groceries. Two hundred dollars, one near fatal buggy wreck and 14 temper tantrums (poorly behaved children, not me) later, I made my way to the check out. While I am waiting, this gem catches my attention.

In case you don't have an eye for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors like I do (but am willing to admit I have made mistakes here before), then take note of the spelling on the cake.
Still see nothing wrong?
Then go back and repeat the 3rd grade.
They spelled Steelers wrong. The closest thing we have to a home team and they spelled it WRONG.
I chuckled to myself, snapped a pic with the trusty cell phone and went on my way.
Well, now that cake has entered interwebz history. It was featured on Cake Wrecks (for my specific entry, click here)! YAY!
Now everyone will know you do not need to be proficent in spelling to work in the Wal-Mart bakery! This may save the economy!
In other news, go see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Great movie, great story, Ben and I loved the entire thing. Gran Turino was also a really great movie. Bride Wars.....eh. It was cute, but predictable. And if you are TTC or having T-TTC, you might want to bring a puke bag for the last 30 seconds. Too much.
Hugs & Kisses!

In case you don't have an eye for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors like I do (but am willing to admit I have made mistakes here before), then take note of the spelling on the cake.
Still see nothing wrong?
Then go back and repeat the 3rd grade.
They spelled Steelers wrong. The closest thing we have to a home team and they spelled it WRONG.
I chuckled to myself, snapped a pic with the trusty cell phone and went on my way.
Well, now that cake has entered interwebz history. It was featured on Cake Wrecks (for my specific entry, click here)! YAY!
Now everyone will know you do not need to be proficent in spelling to work in the Wal-Mart bakery! This may save the economy!
In other news, go see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Great movie, great story, Ben and I loved the entire thing. Gran Turino was also a really great movie. Bride Wars.....eh. It was cute, but predictable. And if you are TTC or having T-TTC, you might want to bring a puke bag for the last 30 seconds. Too much.
Hugs & Kisses!
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