Wednesday, May 27, 2009


So....notice in the bottom right corner I have a link to Feedjit. It basically tells me who reads my blog, how often and where they are from or how they found my site. Pretty awesome, yes?

Most people I can pinpoint by location. For example, Indian Trail, NC is more than likely one of my dear high school friends. Hilliard, OH is likely my Aunt and/or Uncle. Most locations are a total mystery to me and I have no clue who I know there that might find me interesting enough to read about, though I am sure many are Nesties.

Some people find me when Googling the lyrics for this blogs namesake.

Others find me by searching key words like "infertility blog" or "rainbow".

So when I stumble across this:

09:21:41 -- 1 hour 22 mins ago

it makes me wonder just what some people are really looking for. Sorry folks, you won't find instructions for that "activity" here.

But anyway, "Hello!" to
Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz (which I am assuming is in Germany), Erskine, South Australia, Macon, Georgia and all the other lovely (hopefully nonviolent, noncastrating) readers out there!



Danse said...

OMG - when have you even talking about castrating your husband? What is wrong with google?

Anonymous said...

He He! That's too funny, and well scary! I'm Leslie - from Garner,NC!

Cate said...

Haha, Danse it's in the post below, but briefly mentioned! Google is strange!

And HI! Gardner, NC! I grew up in Charlotte, so I hope the Tarheel State is treating you well :)

T. said...

This is hilarious.
And by the way, if you see Stallings or maybe even Matthews, NC -- that's meeee! I check everyday!

Eric and Laura Fentress said...

Hey, I'm the " Kaiserslautern, Germany" reader! I know I haven't seen ya since high school but I read your blog all the time! -Laura (Prasse) Fentress

Amanda Hoyt said...

That is too funny!!!!

Anonymous said...


I got to your blog from Taylor's (when she posted her link on Facebook a few weeks ago). I know we haven't talked much since HS, so I hope you don't mind. I'm not a "religious reader" so to speak, just occasionally. But wanted to let you know that (for now) Charlotte, NC or Fort Mill, SC (hopefully soon) could be me.

Crystal E.

Cate said...

Of course I don't mind! I always welcome new readers :)

I hope NC is treating you well!