Saturday, January 10, 2009

And now we wait...

Negative OPK from every test in the tri-state yesterday (even though I have been getting negatives for days now- you never can be too sure!).

And the TWW (two week wait, for those that don't know) begins. Please show me a miracle.

And in other big BIG news, this will likely be my final semester of college. I will post the full story later because it is quite long, but it looks like God has answered my prayers and shown me a loop hole that will get me out of Marshall University FOREVER. Thank, God, literally.
I will end up with more degrees than anyone should ever need but I am fine with that. I adore school and love learning but I am over the lack of support from professors and their lack of faith in my abilities.
It's bittersweet but it's time. I can't be a life long student, no matter how much I want to be.


Amanda Hoyt said...

I'm praying for your miracle in 2009 and Congrats on your school accomplishments!
Sounds like a big year for you and your husband :)
Hugs and prayers,

MSC said...

Congrats on the positive OPK! Here's to 2009 being a BFP year!

momqat said...

I have watched you go through this education process with a great deal of frustration. It seems to me that institutions of "higher learning" just want to string students along for as long as possible in order to make more money. When I was in college (remember, when dinosaurs roamed the earth), we had a catalog that spelled out our required course of study. Students could graduate under either their freshman or senior catalog. Required courses, or alternatives, were offered each semester. Back then, it was possible to get a four year degree in four years (or less if you really pushed!). I don't think there's any way for anyone to accomplish that anymore. Something's wrong with this system!

and now, I'll step down from my soapbox!