(I wonder if anyone else knows that song?)
So I promised another blog entry, knowing I wouldn't have time to complete one, so this survey will just have to hold you over until I can spill all my secrets (possibly) tomorrow.
- Available: Only to the husband
- Age: coming up on the quarter century mark!
- Annoyance: IF
- Animal: Boxers (and one crazy English Bulldog)
- Beer: 4th of July
- Birthday: 5.4
- Best Friend: Ben
- Body Part on opposite sex: eyes
- Best feeling in the world: BFP
- Best weather: Spring weather
- Been on stage?: Many times
- Believe in Magic: Illusions, yes. Magic, no.
- Believe in Santa: Not recently
- Blind or deaf: deaf, since I already know
- Candy: Gummy Bears!
- Color: Green
- Chocolate or Vanilla: Neither is really a stand out favorite.
- Chinese or Mexican Food: I will never reach a decision!
- Cake or pie: Cookies!
- Continent to visit: Europe
- Cheese: backs up the plumbing.
Day or Night: Both, they each have their perks.
Dancing in the rain: Only if it's warm out
- Eyes: Dark, Dark Brown. Verging on black.
- Everyone's got: a water buffalo
- Ever failed a class?: One (oops! I forgot what the drop date was!)
- First thoughts waking up: Mother Father Sister Brother. (lol)
- Food: sounds terrible right now.
- Full name: Cate (You should know I never put my full name on the interwebz)
- Flaws: Impatient
- Greatest Fear: Never getting pregnant again
- Goals: Met almost all of them and I'm only 24
- Gum: Makes my jaw hurt after a while
- Get along with your parents? Very much so
- Good Luck Charm: preparation
- Hair Color: Auburn
- Height: 5'5
- Happy: Often
- Holiday: My Birthday!
- How do you want to die: Old
- Ice Cream: Moose Tracks
- Instrument: Tuba (Hi, Brigid!)
- Jewelry: Eng Ring/Wedding Band
- Job: Early Intervention Developmental Specialist
- Kids: Angel Baby
- Kickboxing or karate: Kickbox
- Keep a journal? Very public blog
- Letter L for:
lemur - Laugh so hard you cried: Often
- Milk flavor: Chocolate
- Movies: netflix.
- Motion sickness? Only when mom drives :)
- McD’s or BK: Wendy's
- Number: 7
- One wish: A baby
- Pepsi or Coke: Diet Coke from McDonald's
- Perfect Pizza: cooked
- Piercing: 2 holes in each ear only.
- Quail: Dan
- Quiet?: rarely
- Reason to cry: Frustration, loss, IF
- Reality T.V.: Some, not most.
- Roll your tongue in a circle: It's one of my many talents
- Ring size: 7 or 8...No idea haha.
- Radio station: Sirius
- Song: Banana Phone
- Shoe Size: 8
- Salad Dressing: ranch
- Sushi: Made me gag all over the dinner table at Hibachi
- Skinny dipped?: No comment (maybe I did, maybe I didn't....the world will never know)
- Strawberries or blueberries?: strawberries
- Slept outside: Only when camping
- Sing well: In the car.
- Tattoos?: Two, more to come
- Time for bed: always after midnight, unfortunately
- Unpredictable: Def not! Every minute of my day is planned.
- Vacation spot(s): Anywhere!
- Weakness: funny one-liners. Ben knows if I am mad at him, a one liner will get me laughing.
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: Christopher
- Worst feeling: Frustration
- Wanted to be a model? Never
- Worst Weather?: Bitter cold
- Where do we go when we die? Heaven (At least I know I will)
- X-Rays: The husband does them
- Ex's: live in TX (get it?)
-Year it is now: 2009
-Yellow: Submarine
-Zzzzz's: I never get enough!
-Zoo animal: Elephant. Hands down
-The last person that you fell asleep next to: Ben
-You went to the mall with: Ben and the MIL
-Went to dinner with: My dad and Elliott (the younger brother)
-Talked to on the phone: Marci
-Made you laugh: Benjamin
-Hugged you: Benjamin
-Held your hand: Benjamin
Hugs and Kisses!